The Mind/Body and the Trauma

Blame It On Descartes

Rene Descartes was a French philosopher and scientist. He is a very influential figure, whose teachings and understandings of the world (both internal and external) continue to be adopted by many to this very day, even though he lived and worked  in the 16th century. One of his most foundational legacies is his thesis that the mind and the body are two completely distinct entities (this theory is now called mind/body dualism). He reached this conclusion by arguing that the nature of the mind (thinking) is completely different from that of the body (non-thinking), and that therefore one can exist without the other. How many times have you heard the phrase “mind over matter” or “it’s all in your head”?

What If Descartes Was Wrong?

What if the mind and the body were so connected that one directly affects the other? Let’s talk about trauma. Let’s talk about the human experience! Let’s consider this for a moment:

how do common physical disorders and symptoms of gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, neurological, musculoskeletal, respiratory, dermatological, urological, chronic pain and substance abuse relate to depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, insomnia, paranoia,  dissociation, shut down, and suicidal ideation?

Things to Pay Attention To:

  • Sympathetic Nervous System
  • Dorsal Vagal
  • Ventral Vagus

Allow me to introduce you to the three systems that affect our mind and body equally. Our sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the following: anger, confrontation, belligerent and hostile behaviors, anxiety, hypervigilance, and making us feel unsafe. Our dorsal vagal system is responsible for shutting down, feeling numb/dissociated/lifeless/hopeless/helpless, as well as feeling abandoned and/or unwanted. Our ventral vagus system, on the other hand, makes us feel engaged, open, curious, empathetic, and compassionate.

To learn more about the ways in which to stimulate your ventral vagus system, join me next week.

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